Sustainable, Environment, Exploration and Design Showcase (SEED SHOWCASE) is an annual project exhibition of Industrial Design students (IND) from the Faculty of Design and Architecture, University Putra Malaysia (UPM). The purpose of the exhibition is to promote students' designs and young designers to public and private organizations, thereby exposing the role of the field of Industrial Design to the public. 

Before being known as SEED SHOWCASE, the year-end exhibition of IND students previously was known as Degree Show. Lately, in 2015, it has been converted to​​ SEED Showcase. SEED Showcase has its own identity as a light bulb represents the idea and small seed leaves symbolize young designers in the logo. SEED Showcase is fully run by the final year students as a member of the committee, with guidance and advice from lecturers. These products with marketing potential will lead to collaboration with the industries in producing products to meet market demand.


Producing qualified and recognized Indsutrial Designers in Malaysia and globally.


Develop quality design projects that possibly solve issues raised according to the yearly theme.


Showcase the knowledge and idea of the students to the public by improving the existing design or re-develop a better design. Improve the social skills of the final year students in organizing programs and engaging with the industry.



The Covid-19 pandemic has kept all of us at home for more than a year now. The education system as well as the teaching and learning activities have transformed from fully physical or face-to-face mode to fully online or virtual now. It has been a huge struggle for us initially, but along with the guidelines given by the Ministry of Higher Education, we managed to pull through and adapt with the new norm of learning options.

SEED Showcase Degree Show is one of the events organized annually by the Department of Industrial Design, Faculty of Design and Architecture. But unlike their physical exhibition in the previous years, SEED Showcase 2021 is conducted virtually. The platform might be different, but this year’s SEED Showcase is not less interesting. In fact, they had to put extra efforts to pull everything together in planning, managing, and conducting this virtual event. The collective passion has brought the idea of organizing this fully virtual exhibition into reality. 

SEED Showcase 2021 is showcasing a total of 39 projects from the final year students of Bachelor of Industrial Design progr​am. This year’s main theme for their Final Year projects is endemic, epidemic and pandemic. As designers, I believe this is the time where creativity and innovativeness are the most crucial and highly demanded. Thus, the theme given is in parallel to the current situation that is happening to the world today. Nonetheless, despite all those hardships that we must face now, I would like to advise that we need to always keep a positive mindset. For the students, it is important for you to reflect and ruminate on the fact that you are still among the lucky ones and this fact comes with certain responsibilities.

At this difficult moment, I would like to applaud you for willing to adapt with this sudden change and still perform with your studies. Live with compassion and gratefulness and sudden change and still perform with your studies. Live with compassion and gratefulness and always remember you're still the best among the best. I feel so honored to be a part of this big moment of yours. I will continuously wish for you to have a brilliant future. Congratulations and all the best in the future undertakings. 



SEED, which stands for Sustainable, Environmental, Exploration and Design showcase is a Design Graduation Showcase or Degree Show that is organized annually by the Industrial Design department. This event is mainly organized by the final year students of Bachelor of Indus​trial Design program, with the supervision of the lecturers. This exhibition aims to showcase the works or design projects by the students of this program during their final year based on the theme given by the final year project course coordinators. 

Each of the final year students is required to produce a design project according to their own selected topic. For the SEED Showcase 2021, the main theme given is the design innovation for the Epidemic, Endemic and Pandemic. Undoubtedly, the current situation has brought numbers of challenges for everyone. As undergraduate students, the most critical year of their study is during the final year, where they have to come out with the Final Year Projects (FYP). 

The circumstances due to the pandemic have affected many aspects in executing the FYP, such as the limitations to conduct the research, collecting data and prototype fabrication. However, these challenges do not stop them from producing good design projects. On top of that, I am so glad to know that they still managed to deliver a good job in organizing this great event. In fact, this is the first time that the SEED Showcase has been conducted fully virtual.   

With this I would like to congratulate all the final year students of Industrial Design program for your efforts in successfully delivering your Final Year Projects, organizing the SEED Showcase 2021 and finally for surviving the twists and turns of life as university students. Hopefully the knowledge, skills and experiences gained in these 4 years could be of benefit in the future and please remember to contribute back to your society. All the best once again.